Visa Guides

Romanian Digital Nomad Visa 2024 – Apply Now

Digital nomads are individuals who are capable of operating remotely from any location on the planet by utilizing digital communications through information and communication technology. The Romanian Digital Nomad Visa is an exceptional opportunity to attract non-Europeans. Foreign nationals are eligible to apply for the Romania Long Stay Visa for Other Purposes (D/AS).

Romania aspires to attract over 2,000 digital nomads annually. The Romanian government will not impose any additional taxes on you if you have already paid income taxes in your home country.

Because of its low-income criteria, tax-free income, affordable cost of living, quick internet access, and simple visa application process, Romania has become the preferred destination for many digital nomads. Romania is rated third on VisaGuide.World, trailing only Spain and Argentina. The objective of this Visa, which was introduced in December 2021, is to fortify the nation’s economy. Additional information regarding the application process is provided below.

Romania Digital Nomad Visa

  • D/AS Visa for Other Purposes (For Nomads) for Long-Term Stay
  • Visa Validity: One year, with the option to extend for an additional year.
  • Employment offer: Romania is not required to submit a job offer.
  • Visa Application Process: Simple and Efficient
  • Annually, 2,000 visas are issued.
  • Processing Time: An average of two weeks

Benefits of Romanian Digital Nomad Visa

  • Extended Stay in Romania: The visa enables digital nomads to reside and conduct business in Romania for a maximum of one year, with the option of renewal. This provides remote laborers with a significant amount of time to immerse themselves in the country’s culture.
  • Low Cost of Living: Romania is an appealing destination for digital nomads due to its inexpensive cost of living, which is among the lowest in the European Union. You can experience a superior quality of life at a significantly lower cost than in Western Europe.
  • Tax Benefits: Romania offers advantageous tax incentives for digital nomads. The general rule is that individuals who spend less than 183 days in Romania within a year are not considered tax residents. Consequently, they may not be subject to local income tax on their global earnings.
  • Access to European Travel: Digital nomads can easily travel within the European Union and explore neighboring countries, such as Hungary, Bulgaria, and Serbia, even though Romania is not in the Schengen Zone. Romania is a member of the European Union.
  • High-Speed Internet and Infrastructure: Romania has some of the quickest internet speeds in the world, which is essential for remote work. Additionally, the country has a robust infrastructure. The country is an ideal destination for tech-savvy professionals due to its well-developed digital infrastructure.
  • Rich Cultural Experience: Romania provides a distinctive fusion of Eastern European and Balkan cultures, characterized by a vibrant tradition, diversified architecture, and a rich history. Cities such as Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, and Bucharest are renowned for their vibrant art scenes and historical monuments.
  • Outdoor Activities and Nature: Romania boasts breathtaking natural landscapes, such as the Black Sea coastline, the rolling plains of Transylvania, and the Carpathian Mountains. This renders it an ideal location for nature enthusiasts who appreciate hiking, skiing, and exploring.
  • Growing Digital Nomad Community: Romania is experiencing a surge in popularity among digital nomads, notably in cities such as Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca, where there are coworking spaces, networking events, and a supportive community of remote workers.
  • Affordable Healthcare: Romania provides affordable healthcare services, and digital nomads have access to both public and private healthcare facilities. Private health insurance is typically required as part of the visa application procedure to guarantee access to high-quality medical care.
  • Ease of Integration: The widespread use of English, particularly in urban areas, facilitates the communication and integration of digital nomads into Romanian society. Furthermore, the welcoming ambiance and friendly locals of Romania facilitate the transition for newcomers.

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Requirements of a Romanian Digital Nomad Visa

  • It is imperative that you can demonstrate your ability to work remotely.
  • It is not advisable to register any remote business in Romania.
  • Freelancers, bloggers, vloggers, and YouTubers comprise the applicant pool.
  • A minimum of €30,000 in coverage is required for health insurance that covers all expenditures incurred both before and after your trip to Romania.
  • A criminal record certificate that is unblemished.
  • A visa application that has been completed
  • A passport that is valid for a minimum of six months following the intended duration of the stay
  • Two current passport-sized photographs
  • Evidence of accommodation in Romania (hotel reservation, rental agreement)
  • Bank statements or other records that verify your financial stability
  • Evidence or remote labor.
  • Proof of Tax Payment.
  • Evidence of an entry permit to the country.
  • Minimum Income Requirement: an average income that is three times the aggregate monthly average salary in Romania. This is in a state of perpetual flux. According to a variety of sources, it is necessary to have earned between €3,300 and €3,700 within the previous six months.

How Do I Apply for a Digital Nomad Visa to Romania?

The application process for a Romanian visa for digital nomads is exceedingly straightforward. The process proceeds without incident if all of the prerequisites are satisfied.

  • Create an online profile on the Romanian eVisa Platform.
  • Prepare the requisite documentation: Compile all of the essential documentation specified in this document.
  • Submit a visa application: Ensure that you select the appropriate type of visa. In this scenario, it is advisable to select a Long Stay Visa for Other Purposes (D/AS).
  • Await the response. Your application will be approved within approximately two weeks.

More Info

How do I get a digital nomad visa in Romania?

Romanian Digital Nomad Visa Requirements 
Earn 3x National Average Gross Income (3,300€/month): You must earn at least three times the average Romanian salary. Work Remotely: As an employee, freelancer, or business owner established outside of Romania, provide proof that you work remotely.

In Romania, do digital nomads pay taxes?

Paying Taxes as a Digital Nomad in RomaniaTherefore, they will not be subject to any Romanian taxes. Romanian citizens are considered tax residents and are taxed on their worldwide income unless they have tax residence certificates that prove they are tax residents in a country that is included in the double tax treaty.

How much is the cost of living in Romania?

A four-person family has an estimated monthly cost of 2,253.5 dollars (10,168.2 lei) without rent. A single person’s estimated monthly costs are 650.9 dollars (2,936.8 lei) without rent. The cost of living in Romania is, on average, 45.1% lower than in the United States. Rent in Romania is, on average, 75.8% lower than in the United States.

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