Visa Guides

Australian Visa Cancellation on Character Grounds 2024

Are you concerned about the possibility of your Australian visa being canceled or rejected? Have you considered the reasons for the cancellation of a visa based on character? How to prevent the cancellation of an Australian visa due to character? Hold on. To ensure that your visa application proceeds without incident, it is imperative that you review this blog post.

The clean environment, high-quality lifestyle, high-paying professions, and excellent education system of Australia make it an excellent destination for living, studying, or working. Each year, Australia receives numerous visa applications and hosts numerous students and laborers. Because the Department of Home Affairs has implemented stringent measures to enhance immigration, visa denials, and cancellations are prevalent.

A non-citizen visa application may be denied or terminated due to a failure to pass the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship’s “character test” under Section 501 of the Migration Act 1958. It is imperative to be aware of character-based visa cancellation to prevent visa denial. Before we delve into the Migration Act 1958, we must provide a definition.

The Migration Act 1958

Australian immigration and visa laws are significantly influenced by the Migration Act 1958. This Act enables individuals to access and remain in Australia. It delineates the requirements for visa categories, the duration of stay, and the revocation or denial of a visa. The Department of Home Affairs and the Minister for Home Affairs are authorized to address immigration matters under the Migration Act. The government rejected 1152 applications from a variety of countries as a result of this measure. The following is a list of countries that have rejected visa applications.

We will examine the primary causes of visa refusal and the statistics on visa cancellations following the implementation of Section 501.

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Benefits of Australian Visa Cancellation on Character Grounds

  • Enhanced Public Safety: The cancellation of visas on character grounds is a proactive measure that contributes to the safety and security of the Australian community by removing individuals who may pose a risk due to criminal behavior or other significant concerns.
  • Preservation of Australian Values: It guarantees that individuals who possess or intend to obtain a visa are by Australian values and standards, particularly those related to lawful conduct and compliance with community norms.
  • Promotion of Compliance with Australian Laws and Regulations: The potential for visa cancellation can serve as a deterrent to unlawful or objectionable conduct by visa holders, thereby encouraging adherence to Australian laws and regulations.
  • Integrity of the Immigration System Maintained: The Australian immigration system’s credibility and integrity are preserved by the enforcement of character requirements, which guarantee that all visa applicants and holders satisfy the applicable standards.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: The process of canceling visas on character grounds necessitates a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s behavior, which prevents the use of assumptions or incomplete information.
  • Focused Resources: The Australian immigration authorities can streamline the management of the visa system by concentrating resources on individuals who satisfy the character requirements, as a result of canceling visas on character grounds.
  • Legal Consistency and Precedent: The enforcement of character grounds for visa cancellation establishes a legal precedent and guarantees the consistent application of immigration laws, which can assist in the preservation of equity and equality in the visa processing process.

Visa Cancellation Statistics on Character Grounds

To rectify its immigration system, the Australian government implemented a mandatory cancellation rule on December 11, 2014. Since that time, the Department has withdrawn 1,215 visa applications under Migration Act Section 501 until March 2016.

Section 501 cancellation assessments are pending for 865 imprisoned individuals as of April 11, 2016. Section 501 (3A) may necessitate cancellation. 880 revocation petitions were included in the 1,152 compulsory visa cancellations, and approximately 220 appeals have been resolved. 34 applications were deemed “Invalid” or “Withdrawn” since they were submitted after the deadline.

We will analyze the data on visa cancellations based on character from the 2018–19 and 2022–23 fiscal years.

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Reasons for Australian visa cancellation?

If you are in Australia or have immigration clearance, the Department of Home Affairs will typically inform you of their intention to terminate your visa. You can persuade the government to not terminate your visa. The following are potential causes of visa cancellations:

1. Paying for Sponsorship

The Australian Government may revoke your visa if you sponsor it. Cancellation is contemplated in the subsequent scenarios:

  • Your inclination to converse.
  • Beginning or participation in sponsorship payments.
  • The government may be unable to revoke your visa if your payments are compelled by threats or exploitation. If so, provide the department with all pertinent information.

Important: You have the right to appeal the cancellation of your visa. You are required to provide evidence of your extensive community involvement and Australian connections.

2. Changing the Course

Your visa will be revoked by the Australian government if you complete your course and cease your studies. Upon completion of your student visa course, you are granted a three-month period in which to either depart Australia or submit a new application. Your visa will be revoked by the Department if

  • You successfully finish the course while maintaining your student visa and refrain from departing Australia or submitting an application for a new visa within the next three months.
  • Upon completion of the course, it is not possible to depart Australia or obtain a new visa within 28 days.
  • You are completing one course early, taking multiple courses on a single visa, and taking a two-month vacation between them.

3. Imported Offensive Items

The Minister may revoke your temporary visa if you bring improper objects and materials without permission. Sexual offenses, substance misuse, criminal behavior, brutality, violence, and disgusting situations that would offend a responsible adult are all addressed in these items. Consequently, the importation of these products will result in the rejection of an Australian visa.

4. Character Requirement Failure

According to the Migration Act, an individual fails the character test if they satisfy any of the criteria outlined in subsection 501. Visa cancellations based on character are classified into four categories:

  • An extensive criminal record.
  • Convictions for crimes related to immigration detention.
  • Certain prospective activities are hazardous.
  • Criminal affiliations, whether they are present, past, or prospective.

The interpretation and applicability of these reasons are clarified by Direction No. 55. Elaborate on these categories;

1. What is a substantial criminal history?

“Are you aware that the most prevalent reason for visa cancellation in Australia is a substantial criminal record?”

A character test cannot be passed by an individual who has a “substantial criminal record,” as defined in paragraph 501(7). During the character test, a “substantial criminal record” is defined as An individual who has been

  • Life imprisonment or the death penalty
  • A twelve-month prison sentence.
  • Due to mental illness or insanity, the defendant was found not guilty.
  • Convicted for two years or more.

Even with compensation, an individual with a “substantial criminal record” will fail the character test. Nevertheless, Section 501 permits the decision-maker to evaluate mitigating factors during the second stage.

2. Conviction for immigration detention offense

The ability to reject or revoke a visa is initiated if a person commits a crime in immigration detention, as indicated by Subsection 501 (6), even if the violation is not severe enough to necessitate a 12-month jail term. The circumstances may result in an individual failing the character test, regardless of the severity of the offense.

3. Connection to criminal suspects

According to subsection 501(6), an individual is ineligible to pass the character test if they have “an association with an individual, group, or organization that the Minister reasonably suspects has been or is involved in criminal conduct.” To establish an “association” for the character test objective, it is necessary to take into account supplementary factors such as the nature and duration of the relationship.

4. Dangerous future behavior

A person may perpetrate crimes if they are permitted to enter or remain in Australia.

  • Sexually harass, intimidate, or pursue an individual in Australia.
  • Assault a few Australians.
  • Subdivide the populace.
  • Commit violent activities or other actions that could potentially damage the community to intimidate the populace.

5. Child sexual offences

An individual fails the character test if an Australian or foreign court identifies evidence that supports a charge against them for one or more child-related sexual offenses, regardless of whether they were acquitted.

Visa Rejection or Cancellation: What to Do?

You may be able to appeal a government-issued visa cancellation. If the minister personally made the decision, there are no appeals. Departmental decisions, including visa rejections, are reviewed by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), which operates independently. Strict appeal periods.

The written application deadline is specified in the Department’s notification letter. Consequently, you must submit your application before the deadline. If you believe that the cancellation of your visa was unlawful, you have the right to request a judicial review. Your immigration status can be addressed by a qualified migration service or an impartial counsel.

  1. Can character grounds lead to a visa refusal or cancellation?

    (1) The Minister may refuse to grant a visa to a person if the person does not satisfy the Minister that the person passes the character test. Note: The character test is defined by subsection (6). (b) The individual does not meet the Minister’s requirements for passing the character test.

  2. Why would someone cancel a visa without any consequences?

    It is not uncommon for the U.S. government to cancel a foreign national’s visa due to minor or inconsequential issues with the paperwork. The U.S. embassy or consulate will stamp the visa with “Cancelled Without Prejudice,” signifying that they must rectify the mistake before approving the visa.

  3. Is it possible to reinstate a canceled visa in Australia?

    Is it possible to reinstate a canceled visa in Australia?
    If you want to get your visa reinstated (returned), you will need to apply for revocation of the Department’s original decision to cancel your visa. What are the time limits? The revocation period begins from the date of the letter.

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