Student Visas

Australia Ends Two-Year Extension of Post-Study Work 2024

Do you intend to pursue employment in Australia? Australia has implemented a policy change to shorten the duration of post-study employment visas for international students. Continue reading to gain further insight into this substantial policy reform.

The post-study work rights of international students in Australia have undergone change, which may affect their capacity to remain in the country after completing their degree. Additionally, the primary objectives of this substantial policy change are to enhance the quality of international education in Australia and to enhance the migration strategy.

In the past, the Australian government has extended the validity of post-study work visas. This has allowed undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate students who are enrolled in specific programs to remain for up to four or six years, depending on the degree of study. Nevertheless, the most recent modifications to the policy will restore the duration to the original two or three years.

This modification essentially signifies the government’s commitment to the international education industry’s integrity and its return to a developing economic climate.

What new measures and requirements are introduced?

  • The Australian Department of Education has implemented numerous initiatives to expedite the post-study work pathway. One such initiative is the implementation of the authentic student test, which guarantees that the Visa system is primarily utilized for academic purposes. This replaces the authentic provisional entrance requirement.
  • The subsequent phase of the strategy to regulate the volume of student visa applications involves the implementation of more stringent visa application regulations.
  • Furthermore, the government has authorized a reduced number of courses, and the required English language test scores have increased.
  • Additionally, the list now includes revised English language requirements, which increase the minimum IELTS score from 6 to 6.5 for the temporary graduate visa.
  • The final measure is a reduced age limit, which reduces the applicant’s age from 50 to 35 years old to restrict the extension of post-study work privileges to individuals who have completed their education in a regional area.

How would it impact on migration strategy?

The Australian government has implemented these modifications to resolve the challenges posed by the migration system and to restrict the number of immigrants who are allowed to enter the country. In other words, this action ensures that foreign graduates will make a meaningful contribution to the nation’s skills shortages.

The nation’s perspective has been significantly altered by the current immigration and international education policies of Australia. The Australian government is implementing these amendments to achieve a balance between the workforce requirements of the nation and the needs of international students.

Check Also: Australian Student Visa Fee Hike

Benefits of Australia Ends Two-Year Extension of Post-Study Work for Student

  • Promotes Timely Graduation: The absence of the extension may incentivize students to complete their studies within the standard timeframe, thereby facilitating a more efficient educational process.
  • Expands Opportunities: The potential to balance the employment market is present if the post-study work period is reduced, as it could create additional opportunities for other international students who are awaiting visas.
  • Emphasis on Skill Matching: The post-study work period has been shortened, which has resulted in a greater emphasis on the alignment of students’ skills with the job market requirements. This has promoted the development of more effective career pathways.
  • Potential for New Visa Programs: This change has the potential to result in the introduction of new visa programs or modifications to existing ones, which could provide additional support for international graduates.
  • Enhances Visa Integrity: The Australian government may seek to mitigate the exploitation of the post-study work visa by restricting its extension, thereby ensuring that it fulfills its intended purpose.
  • Encourages Local Employment: It may motivate international students to pursue employment opportunities in regions with greater demand or to contribute to local industries that require their talents the most.

Australia Student Visa Guide in 2024

If you possess an Australian student visa, you are permitted to remain in Australia for a temporary period while pursuing your education. With the implementation of the Simplified Student Visa Framework (SSVF), the Australian student visa requirements were revised.

Each year, universities in Australia receive two intakes. The initial phase commences in late February or early March and concludes in late May or early June. The second intake, which encompasses July, is scheduled to commence in August and conclude in November. It is advisable to prepare for the forthcoming second intake, as the majority of students regard their initial intake as their primary intake.

This post will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the application process for an Australian student visa for 2024, including the most recent processing timelines. The following are five straightforward measures that you should take in 2024 to prepare for the acquisition of an Australian student visa.

1. Get Evidence of English Language Proficiency

To be admitted to their program and receive an Australian student visa, the majority of international students must satisfy English language proficiency requirements. For additional information or assistance in determining the required scores, please consult the Australian Department of Home Affairs website.

IELTS is acknowledged in Australia for immigration and visa applications that necessitate proof of English language proficiency.

2. Apply to an Education Provider in Australia and get a confirmation of enrollment

Acceptance into an Australian study program is a prerequisite for applying for a student visa subclass 500 in Australia. You are obligated to accept an offer from a university and pay the corresponding tuition fees. After that, the educational provider will send you an electronic confirmation of enrollment, which you are required to include with your visa application.

3. Create an Online Account

In general, it is possible to submit an online application for an Australian visa and monitor the status of your application. Before commencing your visa application, it is necessary to establish an account on the Department of Home Affairs website. To apply for a student visa, you will be required to provide proof of your foreign student health insurance, your passport, the enrollment information of your university, records of your departure from Australia, and evidence of your financial capability.

If you are required to submit these documents, you may utilize the verification utility available on the Department of Home Affairs website.

4. Online Visa Application (TRN Number)

In general, it is advisable to file for a subclass 500 visa at least eight weeks before the commencement of your program, as it is a requirement for international students. It is advisable to seek legal counsel before submitting your visa application, as there is a nonrefundable fee associated with applying for an Australian visa.

Upon submitting your application, you will be provided with a transaction reference number that must be retained to monitor the status of your case online if your visa is denied.

5. Your Visa decision

Your student visa may be denied or your application may be delayed as a consequence of an error. You will receive an email notification upon the completion of your student visa application. As your visa is electronic, it is recommended that you print the Visa Grant letter and bring it with you to Australia, along with your passport.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it possible to extend a post-study work visa in Australia?

Starting mid-2024, the two-year extension of post-study work rights will no longer be available.

Can I extend my post-study work visa?

The graduate visa cannot be extended. However, you may be able to switch to another visa, such as a skilled worker visa. Please visit the Graduate Immigration Route for further details.

Can I get a work permit after 2 years of study in Australia?

This visa is the most common option available to international students after graduating. Only those who have completed at least two years of study in Australia are eligible to stay in Australia for 18 months to gain work experience under a 485 visa.

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