Student Visas

Australian Student Visa Fee Hike – 2024

The concept of increasing the cost of Australian student visas has sparked controversy. If international pupils intend to pursue their education in Australia, they may encounter complications. The anticipated increase in the cost of an Australian student visa could have catastrophic consequences for specific students. Let us investigate the implications of this increase for international students who are pursuing their education in Australia.

There has been discussion regarding the potential increase in the cost of student visas in Australia. The objective of this action is to alleviate the burden that international matriculates impose on markets. Conversely, some argue that the reduction of foreign students will exacerbate the situation.

Last month, the Gretton Institute, a public policy think center in Australia, proposed that the application fees for student visas be increased from 750 to 2500 Australian dollars. Regardless of whether they are granted a visa, all applicants are required to pay these fees.

The number of international students studying in Australia has expanded significantly to over 650,000 since the epidemic, surpassing the figure from 2012 and tripling the proportion in comparison to native speakers in the United Kingdom and Canada. Additionally, it was noted that the scarcity of housing due to this surge has exacerbated the demand for housing, resulting in a rent increase of approximately 10% for every 100,000 new residents.

The national income increases as larger rent payments become more prevalent. Additionally, the wealth disparity has expanded because the majority of rental properties are owned by Australians. It benefits the elderly, wealthier homeowners, but it places an increased financial burden on the younger, impoverished renters.

Details for Australian Student Visa Fee Hike

According to Gretton Institute researchers, the objective of increasing the cost of student visas should be to discourage students from traveling to Australia to enroll in lower-quality and less expensive courses, rather than to impose a tax on international student fee revenues.

They stated that increasing the application fee for student visas would generate $1 billion annually, which could be allocated to destitute tenants. Additionally, the Gretton Institute maintains that the increase in the cost of visas will not deter exceptional students from selecting a prestigious Australian university to pursue their education, as they have already paid an additional $150,000 for their bachelor’s degree.

Australia has implemented new regulations that affect the registration of international students, including more stringent evaluation procedures and heightened financial proof requirements, since the previous year. In addition, the clearance rate for student visa applications was consistently above 90% from 2006 to 2022, as evidenced by official data from the Australian government. Nevertheless, it decreased to 86% during the 2021–2022 academic year, and it reached a record-breaking low of 81.5% this past year.

In October of the previous year, the Australian Department of Education reported that the country received approximately 768,000 international students, with the highest numbers coming from China, India, and Nepal. However, Vietnam ranked sixth among the countries with more than 31,000 students studying in Australia.

Check Also: Australia Student Visas Major Updates – Visit Here

Australia July Intake 2024 for International Students

Australia is presently one of the most popular study-abroad countries, as evidenced by a recent increase in popularity. When coordinating their study abroad experience, prospective students should prioritize deadlines and intakes.

In Australia, universities typically have three intakes per year: in February, July, and November. Despite the limited number of degrees available, a significant number of international students in Australia’s July school intake choose to pursue a variety of subjects.

In this post, we will address the July 2024 intake updates in Australia, the application deadline, the advantages of the July intake, and the application process.

Benefits of Australian Student Visa Fee Hike

  • Enhanced Quality of Services: International students may receive superior services and support as a result of higher fees, including improved processing times, improved educational resources, and improved student support services.
  • Enhancement of the Immigration System: The implementation of higher fees can facilitate the visa application process and mitigate fraud, guaranteeing that only genuine pupils derive advantages from the program.
  • Enhanced Education Funding: The education sector can be supported by the additional revenue generated from increased fees, which can be used to invest in the provision of improved facilities and programs and the maintenance of high standards.
  • Greater Infrastructure Investment: The funds have the potential to enhance the overall student experience by contributing to the development of infrastructure, including student accommodation and campus facilities.
  • International Student Integration Support: The supplementary funds could be allocated to initiatives that facilitate the integration of international students into Australian society, such as cultural exchange initiatives and orientation programs.
  • Encouragement of High-Quality Applicants: The potential outcome of increased fees is the rejection of applicants who are not completely committed or financially prepared, resulting in a more dedicated and high-quality student cohort.

Why is Australia July Intake Preferred?

International students are admitted to all intakes, and as previously mentioned, there is a wide selection of courses available for admission in the second intake in July. In Australia, the primary intake occurs in February, which is frequently referred to as semester 1. During this time, nearly all universities offer nearly all degrees.

Institutions also offer courses in July, which is an excellent alternative if you are not admitted in February. Australian institutions offer conditional acceptance when final results are still pending, and foreign applicants generally favor the July intake.

This clause may be advantageous to you, as it would enable you to initiate the visa application process immediately, thereby sparing you a significant amount of time, as the majority of college and school results are typically announced in May or July.

Begin the preparation process several months in advance, complete the entrance and language exams within three months, and use the remaining time to fulfill the requirements for admission and a visa. You should begin the process of narrowing down your list of preferred universities and preparing for your application, as the majority of the university’s prospectus is available online.

International students enroll in Australia’s July intake the most frequently because it provides them with sufficient time to prepare their application documents, obtain reference letters, compose CVs and motivation letters, and obtain their university mark sheets.

When Should You Apply for Australia July Intake?

To guarantee enrollment in the course of your choice at the Australian university of your choice, submit your application as soon as it becomes available on the official university website. The application process must be scheduled to accommodate the unique dates that each university provides for each intake.

Is there an increase in the student visa fee in Australia?

The increase in the non-refundable fee, from AU$710 (US$477) to AU$1,600, came into effect on July 1. The change will not affect prospective students who applied for student visas before July 1, 2024.

Has Australia raised its student visa fee by 125 percent?

International students now face a more than doubled visa cost. The Migration Strategy will implement a stark 125 percent fee hike from $710 to $1600 from July 1, with the funds reinvested back into the tertiary education and vocational sectors.

How much is the fee hike in Australia?

Effective July 1, 2024, the non-refundable student visa fee has increased from AU$710 to AU$1,600 (Rs 39,546 to Rs 89,118). This increase will not impact prospective students who applied for student visas before July 1, 2024.

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