Visa Guides

Major Changes to Visa Conditions 8107, 8607, and 8608 in 2024

This blog post will address a diverse range of subjects, such as the extended time it takes for individuals with visas to secure employment, the increased job flexibility that is available to them, and the requirements of sponsors. Stay informed about the most recent immigration news and updates by reading this blog.

Extended Employment Term for Visa Holders

The Australian government has announced substantial modifications to Visa conditions 81007, 8607, and 8608. The Temporary Work Skilled Subclass 407 Visa, the Skilled Employer-sponsored Regional Provisional Subclass 494 Visa, and the Temporary Skill Shortage Subclass 482 Visa are all impacted by these changes.

One notable distinction is the additional time that visa holders are granted to pursue new employment if they cease working with their current sponsor. Temporary Skill Deficit Rather than the previous 60 days, Visa Subclass 482 now allows for a maximum of 180 days at a time or 365 days during the Visa period to search for new employment.

Temporary Employment Similar modifications have been implemented for Skilled Visa Subclass 407, which now permits stays of up to 180 days at a time or 365 days in total, as opposed to the previous limit of 60 days. The 180-365 day guideline is consistent with the skilled employer-sponsored regional provisional visa subclass 494, which offers more flexibility than the 90-day guideline.

What’s the increased flexibility and employment for Visa holders?

The revised terms provide greater flexibility for individuals with visas who are seeking new employment. Visa holders are now permitted to work for other employers and in various occupations to provide financial support during the job search period. However, they are required to continue working in their designated occupation with their current sponsor until they formally cease employment.

Sponsor’s obligations

If the Visa holder resigns from their position or their sponsors cease to provide support, they are required to notify the Department of Home Affairs within 28 days.

The purpose of these modifications is to provide transitory migrants with a more equitable system and to reduce worker exploitation. The modifications are intended to reduce anxiety among Visa holders and offer financial assistance during transitional periods. This is accomplished by extending the timeframe for securing new employment and allowing for flexibility in job responsibilities.

Australia Eases Work Permit Rules for Skilled Migrants on Temporary Visas

Work permit requirements for qualified immigrants with temporary visas have been relaxed by the Australian government, indicating a substantial policy change. Beginning July 1, 2024, holders of visa subclasses 457, 482, and 494 will have additional time to arrange their departure from Australia, locate new sponsors, or apply for alternative visas.

We extend an invitation to all Australian skilled migrants who possess temporary visas. The government’s announcement that the requirements for work permits for skilled immigrants on temporary visas have been relaxed will now make it easier for you to secure new employment in Australia. This modification will take effect on July 1, 2024, and will affect individuals who possess the following:

  • Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457)
  • Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482)
  • Regional (Provisional) visa sponsored by a skilled employer (subclass 494)

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Key Changes in Visa Conditions

The Australian Government’s Migration Strategy has resulted in modifications to the visa requirements for 8107, 8607, and 8608. If temporary visa holders decide to separate ways with their sponsoring company, they now have a broader range of options. Particularly, visa holders will now have a maximum of 365 days, or up to 180 days, to locate a new sponsor, submit an application for a different form of visa, or make plans to depart Australia.

Effects on Employment and Job Mobility

The purpose of these modifications is to simplify the process of job-seeking and employment transfers for individuals who possess temporary work permits. Sponsors may become more cautious due to the potential for increased employment mobility among international workers, which is expected to affect the hiring of domestic personnel.

Understanding the Visa Types

Employers may utilize the Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482) to sponsor a skilled worker to fill positions for which they are unable to secure an Australian candidate.
The Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 494) enables regional firms to sponsor skilled workers if they are unable to locate sufficiently skilled Australian workers, thereby addressing labor shortages.

As of February 18, 2022, certain holders of the Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa have had their visas extended by three years, allowing them to secure new sponsorship or employment.

Conditions for Visa Holders

During the extension term, visa holders are permitted to work for other employers, even in occupations that are not included in their most recent sponsorship nomination. This adaptability ensures that visa holders can maintain their standard of living while they search for new sponsors. However, individuals who possess visas are required to satisfy the following prerequisites:

  • They are required to cease employment with their sponsoring employer before commencing employment with a new employer unless they are excluded.
  • In the profession they have designated, they are obligated to continue working for their current sponsor.
  • They are required to comply with any licensing or registration requirements that pertain to their field of employment.

Obligations for Sponsors

Sponsors are required to inform the Department of Home Affairs of any modifications to their employment status within twenty-eight days. This encompasses notifying the department if a visa holder resigns or the sponsorship terminates. These amended requirements apply to both current visa holders and those who obtain visas on or after July 1, 2024.

Benefits of Major Changes to Visa Conditions

  • Facilitated Access: The potential for increased approval rates is present as a result of relaxed or revised conditions that make it simpler for applicants to meet visa requirements.
  • Broader Eligibility: Modifications may broaden the eligibility criteria, thereby enabling a greater number of individuals to qualify for visas who would not have previously met the criteria.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: The visa may be more adaptable and accommodating due to the potential for new conditions to provide greater flexibility in terms of work, study, or travel.
  • Reduced Processing Time: Streamlined or simplified conditions may result in quicker processing times, which can reduce the waiting periods for visa applicants.
  • Enhanced Support for Specific Groups: To better align the visa program with the current economic or social requirements of specific groups, such as students, skilled workers, or investors, modifications may be implemented.
  • Long-Term Stay Opportunities: Changes in conditions may offer visa holders more stability and opportunities by providing improved pathways to long-term residency or citizenship.
  • Promotion of Investment and Tourism: The economy of the host country can benefit from the attraction of international investment and tourism due to more favorable visa conditions.
  • Adaptation to Changing Circumstances: Changes can reflect and adapt to new global or local circumstances, such as adjustments in labor markets or international relations.


The revised work permit requirements, which provide skilled migrants with increased protection and flexibility, are a positive development in Australia’s immigration laws. It is expected that these changes will benefit both businesses and visa holders, thereby establishing a labor market that is more adaptable and responsive.

For exhaustive information and specific requirements, please visit the official website of the Australian Department of Home Affairs (

More Info

What are the conditions for visa 8107 8607?

This document provides an overview of the current visa conditions (8107, 8607, and 8608). 
They must not work for a different employer in a different position or occupation. This condition guarantees that the visa holder’s employment aligns with the visa’s intended purpose.

What is the new visa condition (8208)?

Visa condition 8208 will require student visa holders who intend to undertake critical technology-related study in a postgraduate research course to obtain approval from the Minister (or delegate).

How do I change my visa conditions?

Send your variation of conditions form, the appropriate fee, and any supporting evidence to the branch recorded in the fees, decision times, and where to apply the tool. If you applied for your visitor visa using Enhanced Immigration Online, you can use your Immigration Online account to apply for a variety of conditions.

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