Student Visas

7 New Australia Student Visa Rules in 2024

The Australian government has implemented numerous modifications to its immigration policies that would affect foreign nationals and international students. These updates are essential for individuals who are currently studying or intending to study in Australia, as they enable students to more effectively manage the requirements and make informed decisions regarding their education.

This update examines the potential impact of the Australian government’s 2024 reforms to its student visa policies on international education. Some of the modifications that affect current students’ work permits while studying in Australia, as well as those that affect new students enrolling in Australian universities, are as follows.

1. Update to the Working Hour

The maximum number of hours that a student visa holder may labor in Fortnite is 48. The temporary exemption, which also pertains to individuals employed in elder care, expired on December 31, 2023. Fortunately, you have the freedom to work as many hours as you desire during study vacations and holidays, which presents an excellent opportunity to earn additional income.

2. New English Language Requirements

In response to recent research, the Australian government plans to implement more rigorous English language standards for international students. Applicants for student visas are now required to achieve a minimum score of 6.0 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), while those applying for graduate visas must achieve a minimum score of 6.5.

In addition, the minimum scores for additional English language tests may be modified. The Department of Home Affairs website provides additional information regarding language requirements.

3. Higher Financial Proof Requirement

To qualify for a student visa, prospective international students will now be required to satisfy a more stringent financial requirement. Applicants are required to exhibit a minimum of $24,500 in reserves, $635 (previously $510) for a working holiday visa, $190 (previously $150) for a visitor visa, and $710 (previously $650) for a student visa.

5. Priority Processing System

A modification to the guardian visa priority system for pupils was announced by the government in December 2023. Those who desire to enroll in classes at a school that has been designated as evidence level one will be granted priority processing.

It will also apply to all applications for Guardian visas for students, as well as petitioners from the domains of education, foreign affairs, defense, and postgraduate research. To qualify, applications must be submitted from outside of Australia.

6. Reduced Post-Study Work Rights

To address the country’s growing diaspora, the Australian government has implemented restrictions on the employment opportunities available to international graduates following their studies. The cancellation of the extended work rights that were announced in July 2023 is one of the changes that would affect individuals in possession of Temporary Graduate Subclass 485 Visas.

Furthermore, the duration of certain initial visas has been reduced, and Temporary Graduate Visas can now only be renewed by individuals who reside in regional areas. In contrast to the previous maximum age of 50, applicants must be in Australia to submit their application and are prohibited from being older than 35.

7. No Concurrent Study

Concurrent study, also known as dual study or concurrent enrollment, is the practice of enrolling in numerous courses simultaneously. Parallel study programs are prohibited for international students due to regulations that were implemented late last year. Nevertheless, students who were enrolled in multiple courses at the time of the new regulations’ implementation are not affected by this.

The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria have resulted in a more stringent application process for applicants who wish to pursue a degree in Australia. This process includes heightened surveillance and stricter financial requirements.

How to Get PR In Australia After Studying in 2024

The restrictions on the perpetual residency of foreign students in Australia will be relaxed. Are you planning to establish a permanent residence in Australia as an international student? This notification ought to be delivered to you. Until you discover the new principles that can greatly simplify your travels, continue reading until the conclusion.

Would you be interested in learning that the Albanese government intends to eliminate a regulation that bars students who desire to permanently relocate to Australia from enrolling in Australian universities beginning in March? You did indeed hear accurately. Labor promised to enhance the immigration framework this year to significantly enhance the immigration stream, following the historic high of 518,000 immigrants last year.

The objective of the new rule is to discourage foreign visitors to Australia who intend to study but also wish to work. It will be a part of a genuine student assessment. The goal is to simplify the application process for a smaller number of genuine students who aspire to work in Australia, while simultaneously eliminating those who make fraudulent claims about their desire to remain in the country.

The rejection rate of student visits this year is substantially higher than that of the previous year. Immediately following the 2023 immigration opening, laborers made a hasty effort to mitigate the negative effects of increasing housing and rental costs.

Check Also: Australia Ends Two-Year Extension of Post-Study Work

Benefits of 7 New Australia Student Visa Rules

  • Extended Post-Study Work Rights: The extension of post-study work rights is one of the most significant benefits, as it enables graduates to remain and work in Australia for an extended period. This increases the likelihood of permanent residency and provides students with additional time to acquire valuable work experience.
  • Simplified Visa Application Process: The new regulations may introduce a more efficient and streamlined visa application process, which could reduce the time and effort necessary to obtain a student visa. This can assist students in concentrating more on their academics rather than navigating intricate visa procedures.
  • Visa Priority for High-Demand Skills: Australia is expected to prioritize visas for students who are pursuing courses in high-demand sectors, including healthcare, IT, engineering, and education. This emphasis guarantees that students in these regions will have superior career prospects and employment prospects upon their graduation.
  • Enhanced Flexibility for Online Studies: The new regulations may provide students with the opportunity to complete a portion of their studies online. This is especially advantageous for students who may require remote course initiation or who prefer a hybrid learning model.
  • Regional Education Support: The new regulations may provide students with incentives to pursue their education in regional regions, such as extended employment rights or additional points for permanent residency applications. This not only benefits students but also fosters the growth of regional communities.
  • Enhanced Welfare and Support Services: The Australian government may implement new measures to enhance the welfare and support services that are available to international students. Contributing to a more positive student experience could involve improved access to mental health services, employment assistance, and housing support.
  • Enhanced Pathways to Permanent Residency: The new regulations are anticipated to establish more transparent and accessible pathways for international students to transition from a student visa to permanent residency. This further enhances Australia’s appeal to pupils who are in search of long-term opportunities.
  1. What are the latest changes to student visas in Australia?

    Under the new regulations, visitors, temporary graduate visa holders, and other specified visa holders currently in Australia are not eligible to apply for student visas. However, these new rules will not affect student visa applications submitted within Australia before July 1, 2024.

  2. What are the new rules from 1 July 2024 in Australia?

    Starting 1 July 2024, certain temporary visa holders will no longer be able to apply for a student visa while in Australia. The purpose of this measure is to curb visa hopping and decrease the number of ‘permanently temporary’ former international students in the country.

    Can I go to Australia with a 5-year gap?

    Yes. Australian universities accept your application with a study gap of more than two years. All you need to do is provide valid reasons and documented evidence.

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